Saturday, February 09, 2008

Movie review - "Sunday in New York" (1964) ***

A cheery, likeable film set in the Hollywood-created New York of large fashionable apartments owned by swinging bachelors and visited by sassy career girls. Norman Krasna’s script is stronger with farce than in the discussions on sex, which is why the second half of the film is stronger than the first. The three leads all have their moments; Rod gives a confident, relaxed comic performance and engages in some skilful verbal fencing with Jane Fonda. However, as is common in these sort of films , the film is stolen by supporting actors – in this case Robert Culp (Fonda’s idiot-grin-hail-fellow-well-met fiancĂ©) and Jo Morrow (Robertson’s long suffering glamorous girlfriend). Nero’s score is enchanting.

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