Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Movie review - "Suicide Battalion" (1958) **

AIP made a few war films though no one really remembers them. This was made by the team who'd just done the better remembered Dragstrip Girl and Motorcycle Gang - Lou Rusoff, Edward Cahn. They also featured John Ashley who is in this, albeit supporting Touch Connors - one of the bigger names to graduate from AIP.

It's a decent war film about a patrol that's cut off during the invasion of the Philippines. The low budge is over come by tight shooting, close ups and stock footage.  There's a decent female presence too -  some cafe girls and a female war correspondent who has urst with Connors.

I did occasionally get confused what was happening but it was tight and moved fast and was perfectly fine. These films lacked the specialness of AIP's youth orientated movies but it passed the time.

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