Saturday, August 24, 2019

Movie review - McGee# 8 - "One Fearful Yellow Eye" by John D. MacDonald

McGee heads to Chicago a town he clearly dislikes for another adventure. It feels longer and flabbier than other books in the series, but he's still "healing" emotionally crippled women by seducing them.

He's called on a case by an ex who married a doctor who died and some money is missing. McGee takes sideswipes at gays, and meets a frigid girl who - you guessed it - he makes unfrigid. The doctor was a great guy though he slept with a teenager.

It's not a bad mystery, involving blackmail and kids who turn out not to be the kids of people. The Nazi twist with some Israeli agents does seem a little OTT and I wasn't wild how McGee was saved by a deux ex machina.

Some very good description of action and interesting philosophy.

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