Monday, August 19, 2019

Movie review - "Broadway' (1942) ***

Movie stars are notorious for wanting to do films in genres different to the ones that made them stars. George Raft was known through the thirties as a gangster but wanted to do musicals - in particular this adaptation of a Broadway show which was changed so Raft plays himself.

It's a cute conceit and actually works kind of well - in part because you know whatever love interest Raft has won't last.

I was surprised Raft didn't get more screen time in this - he does play himself after all! But a fair bit of it goes to Broderick Crawford as a gangster and Pat O'Brien as a cop. These two are pros as is Raft and it's actually great fun to see them firing.

There's decent female roles too including Anne Gwynne, Marie Windsor, Janet Blair and Marjorie Rambeau.

There's a few song and dance numbers, Raft does a bit of dancing, some bang bang and lots of backstage atmosphere. It's unpretentious - well, apart from Raft playing Raft - and a lot of fun.

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