Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Movie review - "Avengers Endgame" (2019) ***1/2 (warning: spoilers)

So much has been written about this I'll just throw in random thoughts:
- they pulled off a very difficult act but then Marvel figured out what so many other super hero groups didn't... to make the stories human and personal and add humour
- there's a lot of hair piece acting in the film
- I didn't like it as much as the first... the surviving people were mostly pretty dull... the first third was awkward (surely Thanos' head could've been cut off in part one?) but the second half picks up
- loved fat Thor - finally a Chris Hemsworth part I can relate to
- if the future is changed then wouldn't that mean Robert Downey Jnr's kid would die?
- I did cry at Downey's death but I did see this on a plane
- Gwyneth Paltrow looks silly in an iron man costume but I guess it was effective to have her there at the end
- Michelle Pfeiffer's cameo is weird
- What happened to the romance between Hulk and Natasha?
- missed Dr Strange vs Iron Man most of all
- Very rousing when all the Avengers get together.

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