Monday, August 03, 2020

Script review - "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" by William Goldman (re-reading)

I was prompted to re-read this after seeing on twitter someone talk about how it was the ideal character intro. Indeed it is, for Butch and Sundance - this is one of the great bromances. Goldman loves these characters and their adoration for each other - it comes through in every scene.

He correctly spotted their lives were great material - heading off to Bolivia and dying in a foreign country. Etta adds to it though the writing of her is pervy - references to her figure etc - and her rape-y intro, which got laughs at the time, doesn't hold up to well.

There's a lot of flabby chasing but the standout scenes still sing - the intro of Sundance, fighting Logan, the finale, defending the payroll. A really good script.

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