Thursday, August 27, 2020

Play review - "Corporate Vibes" by David Williamson (1999)

 This came alive for a brief moment when Sam, the alpha developer, talked about his family and parents and being young and you realise that Williamson predicted Trump (who was famous in 1999 so maybe he took inspiration from him then). It gave a view of what this play could have been - a really interesting character study. Or at least a more interesting battle of wills.

But most of it is Sam (the Trump guy) yelling at people and the female lead may be black or part black but her character isn't compelling - she's just opposed to Sam and is a bit plucky.

There really isn't enough in what's here to justify a play though it's got to be said Williamson always delivers a story, he's done some research on architecture there are some funny lines. (Though do building critics have such an influence?)

I just wish there were a few more drafts - to get rid of the younger woman having an affair with the married middle aged man, the woman who was once fat, the antagonist railing against political correctness, what feels to but cut and paste research on how builders talk about building as opposed to something organic. More of Sam - see his family or something.

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