Saturday, August 29, 2020

Movie review - "Last Christmas" (2019) *** (warning: spoilers)

 The critics tore this a new one - some at least. Why? It's funny, well directed with a charming lead performance from Emilia Clarke, who is a perfect rom com heroine: plucky, cute, empathetic.

Maybe the twist offended them. Or all the diverse casting. (Though that doesn't stop Emma Thompson doing accent acting - but I get she is a star and the film felt as though it needed her).

I don't think Clarke has the best chemistry with Henry Golding but he's got the looks. The George Michael songs are lovely. London looks dreamy.

I feel the twist could have been introduced earlier - they could have played out the ramifications of ghost dating. I remember watching the trailer going "that seems a little thin - she's a party girl, she likes George Michael, he's nice..." I think they should have given away the twist in the trailer, personally. It doesn't wreck the movie - it adds it for me. 

But it is sweet with some funny lines.

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