Monday, August 03, 2020

Movie review - "The Fog" (1980) *** (re-watching)

A central situation is terrific but this isn't that great a screenplay - it's propped up by the gorgeous locations, photography, acting, music and John Carpenter. The killers don't have a personality - which is a shame, I think they could (former lepers who just want a home). That's what the remake should have focused on - the mythology of it all.

Tom Atkins has a rugged everyday heroism that should have gotten him more leading roles. Adrienne Barbeau and Jamie Lee Curtis shine in parts that show the benefit of a female producer. It's fun to see Janet Leigh - I wish she'd had more to do with her daughter. Hal Holbrook is reliable. There's that random other woman.

I felt sorry for the old baby sitter who was killed, she seemed nice. Some decent scares - this film is fine, but it's clearly second rate material being elevated by A grade treatment.

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