Saturday, August 15, 2020

Movie review - "Life with the Lyons" (1954) **

 Hammer studios specialised in adaptations of stories that were hit in other media first - Dick Barton, this Dracula, On the Buses. This was based on a TV sitcom and radio show - American entertainers Bob Lyon and wife Bebe Daniels and their two kids played themselves in a meta conccept.

I wasn't familiar with the show - this left me cold. Val Guest keeps the pace fast but these characters meant nothing to me. There was a lot of running around, everyone tries to entertain.

The plot concerns the Lyons moving in to a house - the daughter gets engaged.

Belinda Lee has quite a large part as the daughter of an author  (Hugh Morton)- she mugs it up, really goes broad. It's actually fun to see her even if it she is muppet acting.

It's frantic, and tiring.

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