Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Movie review - "The White Buffalo" (1977) **1/2

Charles Bronson and J. Lee Thompson were criticised for selling out in their later career but this movie is an example that they tried - it's a Moby Dick out west though they probably got in greenlit by hinting it as being close to Jaws.

Bronson is Wild Bill Hickok looking positively steam punk in his glasses and being affected by the trauma of this white buffalo -  why not have a personal connection? Chief Dan George is Crazy Horse who does have a personal reason to go after the buffalo. Jack Warden goes along.

It was filmed too much on a soundstage, the buffalo isn't always convincing, and too often looks like a crappy 70s TV show (Ed Lauter appeared in far too many movies of which you could say that). 

But there's a lush John Barry score, a strong cast, some impressive location work and its oddness was endearing.

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