Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Movie review - "Death Wish 4: The Crackdown" (1987) ** (warning: spoilers)

 Everyone was on their last legs here - Cannon, Bronson, J. Lee Thompson. Thompson took over from Michael Winner - the movie is less offensive, less memorable, more sensible. The bulk of the villains are still dark skinned, and there are moments of flourish like Bronson killing John Ryan with a rocket launcher.

He starts this one off with a girlfriend (Kay Lenz) whose daughter (Dana Barron) dies from a drug overdose, causing Chuck to go on a rampage. I like the Yojimbo element with him playing the two gangs off against each other.

The film feels routine - Bronson blowing people away and so on, which probably plays better in a packed cinema full of drunks than on the small screen. Bronson is quite active but his heart doesn't seem really in it.

The movie forgets Lenz for a bit then brings her along to be held for random, and she's killed - which surprised me - thereby justifying the rocket launcher.  Ryan hams is up with flaring nostrils. Lenz gives a nice restrained performance.

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