Saturday, August 22, 2020

Movie review - "10 to Midnight" (1983) *

 Horrible movie. Part cop film part slasher. We see lots of POV of the slasher killer, often naked, chasing and stabbing screaming naked women. This is horrible. It probably made the movie profitable.

In the middle section though it turns into this other movie , and a decent one - Charles Bronson rigs evidence to frame a killer, causing a crime of conscience for partner Andy Stevens who is dating Bronson's daughter, Lisa Eilbacher. This is strong drama helped by good actors.

Then the end becomes about a naked man stabbing screaming scantily clad women at the end. I did enjoy Bronson shooting him.

This movie is a mess. A clearly rewritten lowest-common-denominator movie with an actual decent story inside struggling to get out.

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