Sunday, August 16, 2020

Movie review - "John Goldfarb Please Come Home" (1965) *

 Urgh. I'm glad Fox won the lawsuit against Notre Dame to show this but it's a terrible movie. Smart arsey. Too smart by half. Overly frantic. Dumb. It feels like the sort of movie where everyone on it was taking cocaine.

J. Lee Thompson was found out a little with this one. Comedy was not his forte. Shirley MacLaine tries - wears some slinky outfits. It's not enough. Richard Crenna seems to try to channel Joel McCrea - it doesn't work. Crenna was a good actor but not a film star. Peter Ustinov in brownface mugs it up. So too do people like Jim Backus and Harry Morgan. There's some sexy harem girls but the movie is just offensive and unfunny.

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