Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie review - "Team America: World Police" (2004) ***1/2

Like the Austin Powers movies I was a bit let down when I first saw this but it's one of those films you enjoy more on re-viewing because you ignore the flaws and concentrate on the good bits, of which there are many. On a basic level its wonderful to see a big budget movie with puppets, and the basic Bruckheimer-like structure totally works even if they are making fun of it (the best spoofs are the ones that would work as drama eg Flying High). Many hilarious songs - "Everyone's Got AIDs","The End of an Act", "Montage", "I'm so Rone-ry" - and Matt Damon is one of the funniest things ever (also loved Burkha Burkha Burkha-stan). As in"South Park", sometimes the characters get a bit tired and the plot over reliance on shock to get a laugh. Because the film makes fun of America's gung ho attitudes, many people didn't seem to pick up this is actually a rare pro-Iraq war film - it ultimately endorses over-reactions to possible threats to America.

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