Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie review - "Farenheit 9/11" (2004) ***1/2

A real movie of its time, provided an angry loud left wing voice when there didn't seem to be too many around. If you sort of follow politics it's not going to overly shock you (thing was it shocked a lot of people). The humour feels a bit tacked on at times - like they do something hard hitting then Mike Moore goes "oh I'm Mike Moore I want to be entertaining I might add something flippant here". And so what if politicians put on make up before they go on television? Not as much"gold" as in Bowling for Columbine but some powerful scenes: I particularly loved those two Marine recruiters (they are really good pressure salesmen - they should go into the private sector and make a lot of money), following the soldiers on a night raid in Iraq (this is really scary and exciting and would make a great movie, fictional or not, on its own), the scene where a woman is protesting against the war and an idiot comes along and goes "this is all made up" and protester reveals her son has died (I hope that idiot woman feels awful- but I should add, though I have sympathy for the mother who was all for her kids going in the army then got upset when one died... didn't she consider that might happen one day?)

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