Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Comic review - Asterix #13 - "Asterix and the Cauldron"

Some major stakes for Asterix - he is given a cauldron of money to look after and when it goes missing he is banished from the tribe until he can raise the money. This is quite said and moving. The resulting adventures are episodic - he tries acting, gladitorial combat (one would think he could make easy money here), bank robbing (which works against Roman tax collectors but not Gauls). Funniest bit is the Roman tax collector who talks in terms of forms. The pirates actually get a happy ending. According to wikipedia, apparently Goscinny and Uderzo themselves appear in the story: when Asterix and Obelix appears in stage, Uderzo is shown talking to the Prefect, while Goscinny, is making his neighbours laugh.

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