Thursday, May 10, 2007

Comic review - Tintin #23 - "Tintin and the Picaros" by Herge

The last completed Tintin is commonly held to be a disappointment. While I agree it's not the level of the ones that came before it - and some of the changes to Tintin are distressing (the absence of the plus fours,wearing a CND sticker on his bike, and most of all not wanting to go to the rescue when his friend is in trouble) - this isn't bad: the art work remains top notch, the fictitious South American country is a fun location, there are pleasing appearances by all the old gang (Jocelyn Wagg turns up as a tourist, naturally!) and the finale quite colourfuland exciting. It's kind of the level of something like The Crab with the Golden Claws. Note how camp Tintin looks holding that cat on the first page.

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