Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Comic review - Asterix #10 - "Asterix the Legionary"

Obelix shows he isn't gay by developing a crush on an impossibly good looking girl who has returned to the village - only she's engaged. Whenher fiancee is drafted into the Roman army, Obeliex nobly volunteers to find him - which is sweet and works surprisingly well as a story launch point. So he and Asterix enlist, and take over their section of the Roman army (with various people from other parts of the empire). Thelast act takes place in Africa where Caesar is fighting a Civil War, which gives a fresh take on things and ensures an already strong story finishes on a stronger note. The male and female love interest look like they've stepped out of a different comic (Asterix specialised in fat and skinny types). The Belgian character has Tintin like hair and I loved how the Egyptian speaks in hieroglyphics.

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