Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie review - "Serenity" (2005) ***1/2

This has a fan base of super hard core fans, which is a little surprising - you'd think sci fi fans of all people would be the first to know that the concept of Western style outlaws in space isn't exactly anew one - Battlestar Galactica was Wagon Trail in space, there was also Buckaroo Banzai, elements of Star Wars. Nathan Fillion is OK as the hero (don't think he's got big screen chops but he's fine as a small screen one), Summer Glau is the young Buffy like superhero with doe eyes and long legs created (one can't help thinking) with one eye very much on the lecherous teenage fan base and Chiwitel Ejiofor shines as the baddie. Plenty of twists and turns - you wonder why Hollywood didn't give this the hundred million dollar treatment, but there you go.

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