Saturday, May 26, 2007

Movie review - "Melinda and Melinda" (2005) **

A terrific idea from Woody, but he doesn't quite pull it off. Radha Mitchell is alright but the role could really have used someone to make it fly, like a young Diane Keaton (Radha is a good dramatic actress but not a natural at comedy - too serious and intense). Apparently Woody wanted Winona Ryder who would have been better.
And the Woodman just can't do young people, no matter how young his wife is - everyone talks like someone of Woody's generation, they all live in incredibly lush apartments, even the "struggling" musician. Clunk, clunk, clunk - just stick to your own circle, Woods.
Will Ferrell livens it up a bit with a Woody type character (one of the best Woody impersonations in a Woody film in recent memory - better than say Ken Branagh or Jason Biggs) and there are some good moments but really another one bites the dust.

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