Friday, May 11, 2007

Comic review - Asterix #14 - "Asterix in Spain"

I have fond memories of this one as it was one of the first Asterixes Iread but on re-reading it doesn't hold up that well. Just like Asterix in Britain there's a village in Spain holding out against the Roman Empire so Julius Caesar holds hostage the son of the chief and spirits him off to Gaul. Wouldn't that be, like, a dangerous place? At least, Gaul near where our heroes live? Asterix and Obelix take him back. The kid is a big brat which results in some decent comedy (particularly as Dogmatixbecomes attached to him and giggles at Obelix) and there is some bright satire at tourists who like to visit Spain - but the writers seem to goeasy on taking on the Spaniards (maybe wary of Spanish response?). Other highlights include Obelix dancing at a gypsy camp, a Don Quixote gag andAsterix having to take on a bull without magic potion (the constant cheating by using magic potion gets on my nerves after a while) thereby inventing bullfighting. But I would rate it around the middle rank. Thiswas the first decent role for Unhygenix the fishmonger character.

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