Friday, August 04, 2006

TV review - "West Wing" - Season 7

I haven't seen the final season yet - the DVD doesn't go on sale until Sept and I haven't figured out how to illegally download stuff off the internet. But transcripts of the episodes are up on this great website. Knowing the actors and the visual style its almost as good as watching it.

Some comments so far

- it feels like a spin off of the West Wing rather than the West Wing - kind of a "Joanie Loves Chachi" on the campaign trail - the show now is really about Jimmy Smits and Alan Alda and Josh and Janine Garofolo, with occasional cameos from Martin Sheen
- occasionally the stories become a bit formulaic - things start promising for Santos, then become messy, then look disastrous - then he pulls it around with an inspirational moment/speech at the end
- the debate was terrific - a full on argument for an hour - really good
- Kate and Will are having urst at the moment - very much approve of this
- Charlie you never should have stopped being the president's aide! At least then you had some screen time
- it was nice to see Josh having a few wins, being useful for a change - but you can tell the writers get bored with that and around eight eps in he starts getting hits
- I don't like Bruno Gianelli working for the Republicans - he was a terrific character but to have him change sides is a bit yuck - realistic, maybe, but yuck
- America would be better off adopting our political system

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