Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Movie review - "The Miracle" (2005) ***

I love a good inspirational sports movie and this Disney effort hits all the right buttons. It's the story of the US ice hockey Winter Olympics gold medal victory in 1980 (I remember watching the Karl Malden TV version). Yes, I know it's got the "US is great" thing (apparently the event saw the emergence of the "USA! USA!" chant), but the film puts it in historical context with the US getting its arse kicked constantly through the 70s so you can't begrudge them a triumph. The film is well made, particularly well directed in its hockey scene and benefits from the fact that the coach (Kurt Russell, good accent, good hair work) is shown to be a prick. The most featured hockey player is played by Eddie Cahill, who they were pushing as a star a while back - he had solid guest roles on Friends and Sex in the City but he never quite made it. It does hit the cliches - "you're mad! it can't be done", "you're pushing these boys too hard" "why are you never home?" "i know you can give me more" - but they all hit the spot!

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