Saturday, August 05, 2006

TV review - "West Wing" Season 7 - more thoughts

Just read up to episode 14 and its about to be the election - and I've run out of transcripts!! It's been gripping stuff, apart from the episode written by Bradley Whitford which was a bit flabby.

They are pushing two love subplots in this series, which is a good thing since the West Wing has lost a little of the warmth that it started off with. Early seasons of the West Wing drowned in warmth - you had Donna and Josh, and Sam being young and fresh-faced and idealistic, and Leo and the President loving each other, and Charlie and the president loving each other, and Toby's idealism. But then it changed - Donna and Josh's relationship grew downright abusive, CJ had one dud relationship too many, Sam left and Will as never allowed to be as idealistic, Leo and the President effectively broke up, Charlie left his job and had nothing to do, and Toby had twins who disappeared. They shy away from Vinick's idealism and Santos doesn't have a strong bond with anyone, not even his wife (she doesn't seem to want him to be president), certainly not Josh. A bit more heart and maybe the ratings would have been stronger.

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