Friday, July 10, 2020

TV review - "Alfred Hitchcock Hour" - Episode "Run for Doom"

Young Tom Skerrit! And John Gavin in one of his meatiest roles... as  a doctor who becomes obsessed with lounge singer Diana Dors. Dors is good - though I'm a big fan, she's not for everyone. She always had empathy and a big heart came across. You can see why Gavin is attracted - though maybe he's too handsome.

I do like how Gavin got to stretch his wings - be obsessed, kill two people! He's still John Gavin, he can't act that well, but he doesn't disgrace himself.

Support cast are solid. This goes for an hour - the story doesn't really get going til they kill the person on the boat. It probably could have been told in half an hour.

I know Dors was too trashy for Hitch's features but I would have loved to have seen her in Frenzy or something.

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