Monday, July 06, 2020

Movie review - "Passport to Shame" (1958) **

Diana Dors didn't have many lead roles - even this which would've been better with more of her, she's a support actor. There's too much of this French actress and Eddie Constantine - they fake marry to she can stay in the coutry, she works for pimp Herbert Lom.

There's black and white photography and a jazzy soundtrack. Not enough drama or sleaze to make it interesting. Dors looks great in her white outfit. She's the best of the cast for me. Trippy dream sequence.

Robert Brown from the Bond films is Constantine's co worker. He's a horrible sexist obsessive and I think we're meant to be glad he and Dors get together. I didn't care for Constantine and his girl.

The big drama is Dors and her sister and we don't see enough of the sister or Dors and Lom. The music got on my nerves. I didn't like this movie I guess.

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