Friday, July 03, 2020

Movie review - "The Brigand" (1952) **1/2

I didn't mind this - better than Lorna Doone with a stronger story and support cast. It's ostensibly based on an Alexander Dumas tale but surely the greater inspiration was The Prisoner of Zenda.

The lead offers an acting challenge to Anthony Dexter who can't do it. He was a handsome enough guy cast as Valentino by Edward Small and Small gave him a few more chances. At times Dexter works - he's believable as a lounge lizard king not so much as the decent officer who imitates him.

A lot of plot but the basic impersonation is solid. Anthony Quinn adds clash, dash and verve as the villain - he should have played the lead he would've been marvellous. Ron Randell would have been better too - he's got a thankless part as a sort of helpful officer, a little like the role David Niven played in the 1937 Zenda.

There's bright colours and action. I wasn't wild about Jody Lawrence as the dopey princess but Gale Robbins was a lot of fun as a horny aristocrat.

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