Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Book review - "The Little Sister" by Raymond Chandler (1949)

One of the three weak Marlowes i.e. the non classics. This is still pretty good, with not one not two but three femme fetales - the mousy country girl of the title (looking for her brother), a film star, a Latina actress.

Some of this felt like Chandler writing while drunk - the women finding him irresistible, the men he beats up. Some stuff felt repetitive eg Marlow is drugged, harrased by cops. I did like the cops monologue and the toughness and stuff. I enjoyed the ice pick deaths, the papers in the toupee

The satire of Hollywood was reportedly in response to Chandler's experiences - I would've liked more send up of Hollywood types actually it was a point of difference.

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