Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Movie review - "The Mating of Millie" (1948) **

This has a perfectly decent central idea - single gal Evelyn Keyes wants to adopt a cute boy and needs a husband to do so. Rough tough Glenn Ford offers to help her woo men.

That's absolutely solid. But the movie stuffs it. Ford doesn't decide to do it until 45 minutes in and never really helps out. He's a prick to Willard Parker as one candidate (her neighbour) and gives some gentle pushes (but that's all) to Ron Randell who runs the orphanage.

You can forgive a lot with the right stars but that isn't the case here. Keyes can't quite carry a movie as a lead - I don't want to be mean, but she's too awkward, not warm. Ford can carry a movie but his character is an obnoxious jerk. Badly written too - he's a bus driver who is going to be a floor walker but he actually wants to be a novelist. He's a prat... and has no chemistry with Keyes. They  sure are a lot of scenes of women finding him hot, though.

I liked the stuff with the kid. Hated how Keyes was going to give up everything for Ford. Couldn't understand why Parker was in the movie. They don't do anything wth him. They should make him a villain who doesn't like kids or something.

This is simply incompetently made. I guess it's nice to see Keyes in a lead. Randell is fine by the way. He should have played Parker's part - make him the villain and have a nice cuddly character actor play Randell's old role.

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