Saturday, July 04, 2020

Movie review - "The Devil Ship Pirates" (1964) ***1/2 (re-watching)

I've always loved the cleverness of this movie's concept - a Spanish ship is wrecked off the coast of England during the Spanish Armada of 1588; they've lost the war but the locals don't know that, so they try to pull off a con.

It's one of those movies that force you with the baddies and the plan is so bold at times you hope they'll pull it off.

There are plenty of other strong ideas - most of the ship's crew were former pirates keen to go back to their old life, there's a goody-goody noble on board (Barry Warren) to provide conflict with the captain (Christopher Lee), the British town includes a quisling type as well as an injured young man.

The cast is well above average - its a good chance for Christopher Lee who does well, and Andrew Keir is in there as well as Michael Ripper (in dark make up).

The filmmakers put ship action up the top to try and cover the fact that there's no ship action until the end. There are some sword fights.

It doesn't quite get there as a classic - I felt it could with another draft. Maybe there are too many characters to service. Or not enough emotional relationships. Perhaps we needed a love triangle involving Warren, lee and a girl - the female characters feel very undercooked. A local lady who falls for Lee/Warren could have made the difference. Maybe a more villainous/treacherous local?

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