Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Movie review - "Invisible Invaders" (1959) **

Campy fun from producer Robert Kent which I admit I only saw because John Carpenter put it on his list of guilty pleasures.

It gets off to a great start with scientist John Carradine blowing himself up in the lab doing an experiment. There's lots of similiar silliness to be had, with Robert Hutton being a drippy scientist, aliens taking over the bodies of pilots and what-not who kill sports announcers so they can take over the mic and tell everyone the aliens are coming, a newspaper headline mocking the invasion scare with a blank picture of the invaders (this was a clever bit of business). John Agar is military man.

This isn't inept enough to be a classic, like Plan 9 from Outer Space - which kind of has the same story. Maybe if John Carradine's role had been bigger... he's hardly in the film. There's too much competence and intelligence for it to be a great bad movie - it's more done in by its limited budget.

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