Saturday, April 09, 2011

Script review – “King Conan” (2001) by John Milius

A never-filmed script which was supposed to see the return of Arnie to the role of Conan. The plot has Conan become a dad; instead of meeting a nice girl and settling down he bangs the Queen of the North or something who won’t let him near the boy until he returns with jewels; so he joins an army, becomes rich and returns three years later to pick up the kid, Kon. Almost as soon as this happens he gets separated from Kon when he’s called off to be a king in a section of this Empire – but he’s not allowed to take his son with him, which feels a bit convoluted and not true. Anyway it takes about half the script’s length before the story kicks in, when a grown up Kon is reunited with dad to help fight the nasty emperor.
Conan the Barbarian took place in Conan-land, a mythical place, but this seems fairly strongly based on the Roman Empire, complete with puppet kings, Picts, references to holding the line, and praetorian guards – which is distracting, because it’s not Ancient Rome. I didn’t like this script – it took forever to get going, the story was muddled there were all these characters who didn’t seem to pay off. The best character was Metellus, this ruthless old friend of Conan’s, and this female super-warrior who unfortunately doesn’t hang around for long.. There’s some good father-son stuff about regret and plenty of action – but I think it just suffers from Conan being a sap for too long. Also his son isn’t that interesting a character. It took me ages to finish reading it.

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