Sunday, October 18, 2020

Play review - "Odd Man Out" by David Williamson (2017)

 An utter delight and complete surprise - Williamson shows he's still got it with this extremely enjoyable romantic comedy. Boy meets girl; girl is lovely and boy is handsome, rich, great in bed (like so many male Williamson lead characters in his 2010s plays) and adores her. What's the catch? He's got Aspergers.

The penny might have dropped for the girl earlier but this is a warm, funny, touching play, not mean. There's no lecherous middle aged male tycoons and horny greedy young women, and it acts as a tonic on his writing. He doesn't over complicate the plot - the complication is in the Aspergers and that's enough. I can't vouch for the accuracy of its depiction but it felt real to me. This could easily be turned into a low budget romantic comedy for streaming.

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