Sunday, April 07, 2019

Movie review - "The Highwaymen" (2019) **

A sort of 1930s Western, the look at the pursuit of Bonnie and Clyde from the POV of the men who took them out - the part played by Denver Pyle in the 1967 version.

Here we have Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelsen as two old time-y law enforcement officers. This was written with old Paul Newman and Robert Redford in mind and they would've been better - Costner and Harrelsen are fine, I think just maybe a decade or so too young for the humour and suspense these two were going for. I spent time fantasy casting... Clint Eastwood of course but more realistically budget wise...  Gene Hackman (though he's retired), Duvall, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, de Niro, Pacino... basically, someone who became famous in the 70s.

The script also is, to use a William Goldman reference (speaking of 70s), dolphin-y... the two leads kind of dolphin along until the final climax. There are some nice moments and work, a little bit of Unforgiven style regret, but it's a bit plodding, especially at 132 minutes.

Bonnie and Clyde are pretty much depicted as mad dogs, which I guess they were - but it's a shame the scenes where they shoot dead law officers weren't done with more suspense/dread/horror, especially as we never see them (I don't mind that concept I just wish it was done better).

It's fine - like so many Netflix films it's utterly "fine" without being great.

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