Friday, April 05, 2019

Book review - "Drug of Choice" by John Lange (Michael Crichton)

This John Lange entry was a tonic after struggling through Scratch One. Crichton/Lange writes to his strengths - the hero is a doctor investigating a drug case which seems to have an odd affect on people who take it, making the urine blue.

The doctor is handsome, brave, single and smart - kind of a cliche, okay a cliche, but at least he's a doctor and Crichton knows this world. I quite liked the macguffin of the drug - it alters reality - though the logic of why the bad corporation got the doctor involved did stretch credibility at times.

The women are all beautiful and shapely - Crichton describes their bodies so much (legs, bikinis, necks) etc that at times it feels pervy. No one has much of a character - for instance the hero has a hard drinking best friend who always has a martini in his fridge and a girl in his bed.

But the research about drugs gives the piece some authenticity (or at least sense of it) and I enjoyed the mystery resort where you arrived in a plane with the windows blacked out - was this Crichton's first dodgy resort? And like most of the Lange books it's a quick, easy read.

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