Sunday, December 30, 2018

Movie review - "Submerged" (2005) **

Some energetic direction at the beginning game me temporary high hopes for this Steve Seagal film - and there's no reason why the central concept couldn't have worked - a device that makes people kill against their will. I mean that worked in The Naked Gun. And after watching recent Seagal films it was nice to see something from the days when he had decent budgets, even straight to video - in that pre GFC glory era.

But as the film goes on it gets more and more confusing and becomes a mess. The director said it was meant to be The Thing crossed with Das Boot which would have been amazing, but then Seagal threw that out a few weeks before filming. The resulting movie was written on the fly and feels like it - the film consists of scenes/segments that feel like trailers for full length films - Seagal getting out of prison and assembling  team of cons (who include Vinnie Jones but none of them get much screen time), there's a mad scientist, we go to Uruguay, then to... I don't know.There's mutants. An opera scene. I have trouble remembering any of this film. At least a few women are more prominent.

What a disappointment. I would have loved to have seen this film as originally envisioned.

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