Thursday, December 27, 2018

Movie review - "Black Panther" (2018) **** (warning: spoilers)

Extremely well done Marvel movie which became a cultural sensation. It's got the normal slick Marvel action sequences (though I admit it, I'm getting sick of the casual pistol shots to the head from a distance - that's actually really hard to do - and the backwards stabbing with a sword accompanied by a squelch) and has some solid Shakesperean family drama, with an exiled prince coming back to reclaim his throne, and various sisters and queens and uncles.

There's an interesting central dilemma - how to use the technology of the country. The villain actually stands for something good that the hero comes to stand for. Woah! I did feel it was kind of a cheat the villain won the fight but then had to give up the kingdom because... well, he was bad. I felt he could've done something really bad.

Also it's a shame Andy Serkis couldn't have been kept alive for the last act - he's a terrific villain, full of cackling joy and cunning and a South African accent.

Strong acting - it's extremely polished.

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