Monday, December 03, 2018

Movie review - "Good Morning... And Goodbye" (1967) ***

Not one of Meyer's most highly regarded movies but I quite enjoyed it. His vision was in full flow by this time - plenty of nudity, and dancing, and quick cuts, and women running naked through the countryside, and overheated melodramatic plot.

It's a slice of life about several people in a small town - the narration (from Jack Moran) says eleven, but I didn't feel it was that many.

I didn't really like Alaina Capri in Common Law Cabin but she's in good form here as the town man eater, unhappy with old husband Stuart Lancaster. She chases after the town stud and a young boy who is keen on the step daughter.

Lancaster can't get it up but is rejuvenated by a sorceress played by Haji - a nutty concept but one of the fun things about the film.

I wasnt that wild about the concept of the step daughter especially when she walked in on dad doing with with Capri. It's a bit all over the shop but the cast give it all. I think I enjoyed it too because I imagined that Lancaster was Capri's surrogate - the climax of the film involves him getting sexual dominance over his wife again.

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