Friday, December 28, 2018

Movie review - "The Octagon" (1980) ***

Fun Chuck Norris film that really made a mark - Pablo Escobar was a fan! The script by Leigh Chapman - a real guy's girl kind of writer who should be better known - is pretty solid. There's a very interesting gimmick in that you can hear Norris' thoughts.

He plays a man who becomes aware of a secret society of assassins (they do freelance?) and takes them down. Art Hindle (the brother in Porky's) is his friend who I thought would be killed around the end of the first or even second act but who makes it until the end... where he dies. The villain is Norris' Chinese half brother which is interesting.

The film has three main female roles and they're all actually quite good parts, well played - there's a dancer played by Kim Langford who Chuck romances and who then dies, and an enigmatic  Karen Carlson who tries to get Chuck to fight the bad guys and dies, and then Caro Bagdasarian who is introduced quite late as a assassin who turns good and helps (and sleeps with!) Chuck... and lives! Bagdasarian is a bit of a bad ass. I think Chapman' s influence meant this had better female roles.

It takes Chuck surprisingly long to go kick ass - it's like only the last third. But it is an impressive lair.

The cast includes people like Lee Van Cleef as well as Australian Richard Norton. It's a fun, interesting film, one of Norris' best. He's a bit stiff but he has a calm presence.

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