Thursday, December 13, 2018

Movie review - "Ebb Tide" (1937) **

Henry Hathaway was meant to direct this but he was delayed on Souls at Sea which is a shame because he would have brought some much needed vigour. James Hogan doesn't do a very good job.

The basic story is very strong - it's based on a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson. But it badly lacks excitement and pace. There's a storm sequence but it's not very well done. The one effective moment is when the three main guys arrive on the island and meet Lloyd Nolan. The climax is forgettable the action undercooked.

Oscar Homolka is extremely irritating in his first Hollywood movie - I wonder why producers were so keen on him? Ray Milland is fine in a whatever part. Barry Fitzgerald is solid. Frances Farmer seems bored in her role - I get she was unhappy in Hollywood but I get the sense she's phoning it in a bit here. It's not a great role (her character is mostly a nag, she's mostly there to hang off Milland's arm) but she could have done better.

The one actor who really nails it is Lloyd Nolan, who is strong and creepy as the deranged island ruler. But the film isn't up to him.

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