Monday, December 03, 2012

Play review - "Love in E Flat" (1967) by Norman Krasna

One of Krasna's least known plays - it was not a hit and was never filmed - is definitely not one of his best, despite being in his wheelhouse i.e. a romantic comedy farce. The main problem is the idea - a young couple live together in an open relationship, which is a little shocking (Krasna trying to move with the times) until you realise that she just wants to get married; she discovers that he has been bugging her conversations, which makes me not like him, and so she bugs him and starts to lie about an ex boyfriend, which makes me not like her. So while there's some frantic running around and funny one liners  (this is more "gag-gy" than typical Krasna comedies) you don't really care of sympathise, even before the painfully predictable finale (hey - they both love each other and want to get married) comes into view. It badly lacks a false love interest - as in a genuine person, not a made up one.

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