Sunday, December 09, 2012

Movie review - "Forbidden World" (1982) **1/2

Sci fi epic from the late days of Roger Corman's New World, made to use sets from Galaxy of Terror though on a lot lower budget. It's an even more brazen rip-off of Alien, taking place on the one ship and with a creature who is just like the alien. But I enjoyed it a lot more than Galaxy of Terror - it's directed with a lot more energy, there's no rape sequence and considerably more pace.

Few New World sci fi pics had more gall about the amount of nudity on display - this has the Amazonian June Chadwick and the gorgeous Dawn Dunlap, who despite being on a space ship, find many opportunities to take their clothes off (a sauna, sex; there's even a scene with the two girls having a shower together to convey some exposition). There is some unfortunate combination of violence and sex, but the idea of using cancer to kill the monster is interesting, and I enjoyed the flash cuts.

This is certainly not in the league of Battle Beyond the Stars but remains daggy, trashy fun, and I'm surprised the director didn't have more of a top-level career.

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