Thursday, December 27, 2012

Movie review - Bergman#6 - "Prison" (1949) **1/2

The opening shot is of a figure walking on their own though a deserted landscape... Bergman is beginning to become Bergman. He's working from his own script, and you can tell the different - it's more theatrical, with longer scenes of people talking at a much fast pace; a lot of the talk is about the big issues like heaven and hell and good and evil and sex; it's self referential - the story is about a screenwriting writing a script.

Couples are unhappy (the writer tells his partner he's afraid of dying, thinks they are going to wind up tearing each other apart), there is lots of talk of suicide. I'm not really into movies about making movies, which is what this is; there's an incredible amount of talent and imagination on display here, lots of interesting ideas, but I admit I didn't really get into this.

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