Saturday, December 15, 2012

Movie review - Francis #5 - "Francis Joins the WACS" (1954)

A computer error sees Donald O'Connor transferred to the WACS - hahahahaha. Actually because it's O'Connor and not some swaggering 50s macho heartthrob, this isn't too offensive, and the treatment of female soldiers quite respectful (ditto the acknowledgement of the prejudice they faced). In fact, the plot has O'Connor helping the WACS beat men soldiers in army maneuvres at the end (years before Private Benjamin) and thus showing up sexist general Chill Wills (who provides the voice of Francis, which is cute). It's not Gloria Steinem (the girls can't do it without O'Connor) but it's something.

O'Connor is good as always, Chill Wills is funny, Julie Adams is cute, Mamie Van Doren unmistakeable as a sexpot (I wish her part had been bigger because she looks fun), Lyn Bari pops up looking old as an officer, Zasu Pitts is back as a nurse, and you'll be able to spot 50s sirens Alison Hayes and Mara Corday as well.

They don't over do the gimmick of people being shocked by Francis speaking in this one - indeed, Francis' role seems smaller here, the action is more driven by O'Connor and the girls.

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