Thursday, December 27, 2012

Movie review - "Stand Up and Cheer" (1934) **

Odd movie where Broadway producer Warner Baxter is appointed a government minister in charge of cheering up the American public and thus help beat the depression. He organises lots of acts, spends much government money, has a secretary who is in love with him, faces opposition from evil powers that be keen to keep the Depression going (who, you know, do have a point if this program is worthwhile), battles self doubt... and sees his happy go lucky policies end the Depression. No kidding - this ends with the Depression over. And it was only 1934.

We also get the back of FDR's head, a depressingly racist turn from Stepin Fetchit doing his shuffle feet add (and also Aunt Jemima thrown in), a talking penguin, Shirley Temple becoming a star with her short term singing "Baby Take a Bow" (she is very charismatic), John Boles doing opera, a few other numbers.

A genuine curio, a combination of socialism, racism and vaudeville.

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