Monday, December 03, 2012

Movie review - "In the Presence of a Clown" (1997) **

Bergman's career as a big force in international cinema seemed to send with Fanny and Alexander but he kept churning out work in Sweden. This was one of his last films, made when he was 79 or so - it's a jolt to see something that looks so "modern" (it was shot on video tape). But it's still the same bunch of great actors and long scenes about the human condition.

This has the benefit of a great central idea: a 54 year old man is in a lunatic asylum and wants to make a movie. But it drags on - it's almost two hours - and after initially getting into this (initial talks with a shrink, a hallucination about a topless clown, the ex wife) it dragged on and seemed to run out of story and interesting ideas. Like all Bergman films there will be people who really liked this but I wasn't not wild about it and had trouble watching it all the way through.

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