Sunday, October 24, 2021

Movie review - "A Slice of Life" (1983) *

10BA comedy that reunites the team from Pacific Banana, director John D. Lamond and writer Alan Hopgood. The star is Robin Nedwell, an English actor who had appeared in the Doctor sitcoms.

It's a low concept piece - well, low high concept. Nedwell goes into surgery, is given a vasectomy, becomes irresitible to women, then discovers the vasectomy isn't effective and impregnates the women.

That's a terrible idea for a movie. It's blandly directed, made without wit.

The women include Julie Nihill, Amanda Muggleton, and Jane Clifton so that's some novelty. Other roles are played by John Ewart and Derryn Hinch cameos as himself. Alyce Platt plays a 'giggling girl".

This film is awful. It's unfunny and slow and pointless. Lamonds 70s sex fil;ms had more point and heart - they were positive about sex. This is dumb.

Brian May did the music and Michael Hirsch was associate producer. David Parker did stills.


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