Monday, October 18, 2021

Movie review - "A Perfect Couple" (1979) **1/2

 Robert Altman keeps throwing up curveballs - this is a pretty much straight up romance between an odd couple. Paul Dooley is a middle aged Greek due with a strict family. Marta Heflin is in a rock band with a strict head guy Ted Neeley. Heflin is good in a role envisioned for Shelley Duvall; I think if Duvall had played it the film would be a lot better remembered because she had X factor that Heflin doesn't. Or maybe if Dooley's part had been played by more of a star but he's fine too. 

The film throws in some songs. It's actually quite straight forward - the songs pad out the running time.

I never quite believed any of it - Dooley doesn't look Greek, he didn't seem like a guy who would get with that girl and vice versa. But I enjoyed it.

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