Saturday, October 23, 2021

Movie review - "Mad Max 2" (1981) ***** (rewatching)

 Gosh this film is so good. Music, direction, mood, everything.

Part of the strength is the depth of the support characters. There's the Gyro Captain of course, and Mike Preston's charismatic leader, and Vernon Wells' Wez with his boyfriend, and Humungous (who has clearly suffered major trauma)... but also Arkie Whitley's sweet girl (you need that character with this bleakness), the wry smart mechanic who figures out Max's car is booby trapped (Steven Spears) and his dopey assistant, the Warrior Woman (Virginia Hey), the fairweather friend Syd Heylen, the grey haired woman whose boyfriend/family member is killed early on, the wide eyed guy whose girlfriend is killed early on, the dog, the PR guy Max Phipps who is sort of like a News Ltd columnist.

It's scary. Tense. A great action movie yes but it's also the terror of the threat outside the base. The harsh landscape.

The humour is beautifully mixed too. Spence, Heylen, Phipps.

Such a good movie.

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